Appreciation Engine

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AE JS Methods & Triggers Reference

In addition to the data attributes, the AE JS framework offers a number of method calls that control the authentication flow. These can triggered by developers directly.

This article provides a reference of the available methods.

Table of Contents


Attach AE functionality to any element in the DOM with the proper ae-data attributes applied. For example, the data-ae-register-window data attribute. This is recommended in cases where elements may be generated or injected after the framework has loaded.

Passing in a DOM element reference will ensure that only that element has the functionality attached, otherwise it is applied to all data-ae elements on the page.


element: An element in the DOM.


Authenticate the current visitor with specified service. Returns the provided URL. This trigger must be attached to a user action, such as a click or select. Check for call results using the onLogin or onUser events.


service : The name of a social service.

type : login, register or auth. The default value is register.


Note: auth is only recommended for use when an existing member session is active. Future releases will enforce this behavior.

return: A URL to return after the action. The default value is the current URL.

scope : A sub-set of service-specific permissions. The default value is null.


<a href="#" onclick="aeJS.trigger.authenticate('spotify','register'';'playlist-modify-private')"> 


Initiate a valid AE session for the user linked to the given access token. This can be used to log in users from third-party services that retrieve a valid access token via their own AE integration. For example, a mobile app. Check for call results using the onLogin event.


accesstoken: A valid access token, retrieved via the AE JS framework or the AE REST API.


Initiate the authentication flow. This shows the authentication screen via modal or browser redirect.


type : login or register. The default value is register.

return : A URL to return after the action. The default value is the current URL.


authDelegate.login = function(delegate) { 


Logs out the current user. Clears current AE session and local user object. Triggers onLogout handlers to handle next steps. Check for call results using the onLogout event.


<a href="#" onclick="aeJS.logout();">
    Log out


Sends an optin event to AE. User can opt-in to global-, brand-, or segment-based lists. Check for call results using the onOptin event.


brandid : Optional. Provide if user is subscribing to specific brand list. Leave blank for global list.

segmentid : Optional. Provide if user is subscribing to specific segment list. Leave blank for global or brand list.

record : Boolean value to indicate whether the updated user record should be returned as part of the

onOptin : event. The default value is false. Note that returning the record slows the response time.

Opens the AE popup window (but not a modal), so that actions, such as form submits, can be submitted there. This is intended to be used by developers who may need to access this for custom-built authentication flows.




Removes specified service from currently attached services for current user. Check for call results using the onFlow event.


service : A social service

return : A URl to return after the action. The default value is the current URL.


Updates the password for a user’s email/password registration service. Check for call results using the onPasswordReset event.


id : The Service ID value for the email/password login. For example, the ID returned in the ‘Services’ node or the MemberServiceID returned in onEmailVerify.

email : Email address to reset password for.

password : The new password to use.


Sends and records activity indicated by id parameter. The activity must be a custom activity as defined via the AE dashboard or REST API in order to generate its associated id for use. Check for call results using the onActivitySent event.


id : The custom activity ID as defined in Appreciation Engine.

data : A string or object that describes the activity event.

marker : Optional. The unique marker for this event. This is used to limit repeated actions.

record : A boolean value to indicate whether the created activity record should be returned as part of the onActivitySent event. The default value is false. Note that returning the record slows the response time.


Initiates manual/custom email verification process. An email will be sent to the user with return URL specified to click for verification. Check for call results using the onEmailVerify event.


returnURL : The URL user will be directed to for verification. This will have step=send-email-ok attribute appended. The page will fire the onEmailVerify event.

email : The email address to send a verification email to.

message : An object containing message parts for email verification template.

Here's an example of a message object:

    'subject':'Email Subject', 
    'body':'Body text in email', 
    'label': 'Return link label'


Triggers submission of the indicated data-ae-register-form. This is passed as a DOM element.




Initiates default email verification flow with modals or redirect. An email will be sent to user with a return URL specified to click for verification. Check for call results using the onFlow event.


returnURL : A URL user will be directed to for verification. This will have the step=verify-email-ok attribute appended.


Initiates default password reset flow with modals or redirect. An email will be sent to user with a return URL specified to click for verification. Check for call results using the onFlow event.


returnURL : A URL user will be directed to for verification. This will have step=reset-password-ok appended.


Set the activity sharing flag for a member's service. When activity sharing is disabled the member cannot be used for analytics or segmentation. The member's credentials can still be used by developers to make calls to the relevant external APIs (eg. twitter, spotify, etc). Check for call results using the onActivitySharing event.


serviceid : The service id (i.e twitter, spotify, etc) to set activity sharing flag for.

enable : Boolean value to indicate whether data sharing is on/off for this member service.


Returns current flow state. This uses the same format state provided in the onFlow event.


Returns current user object.

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